Sunday, August 23, 2009

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Flexing her body like a whip she rammed both knives into the Ghost's hide–if I took that belt to be its equator somewhere near its north pole. The Ghost pulsated complex ripples chasing across its surface. But Jeru did a handstand and reached up with her legs to the tangle above and anchored herself there. The Ghost began to spin trying to throw Jeru off. But she held her grip on the tangle and kept the knives thrust in its hide and all the Ghost succeeded in doing was opening up twin gashes right across its upper section. Steam pulsed out and I glimpsed redness within. For long seconds I just hung there frozen. You're trained to mount the proper reaction to an enemy assault. But it all vaporizes when you're faced with a ton of spinning pulsing monster and you're armed with nothing but a knife. You just want to make yourself as small as possible; maybe it will all go away. But in the end.
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